Contact Us
Chip Millard, Insurance Broker
(919) 357-6637 (tel/text)
(919) 234-7272 (fax)
102 Market St. Ste. 208
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
(in Southern Village)
Book an appointment with Chip instantly, here:
Our office location in Southern Village.
Get in Touch to Talk About Insurance, Request Quotes and Have Your Questions Answered
Each of us has their own communication preferences. We can work the way you like best. Here are a few examples of how we connect with our clients:
Telephone: Call Chip at (919) 357-6637
Email: You can email Chip anytime at
Text: We can communicate via text, and send any pdf quotes by email
Quote Request: Send a quote request on this page, or from the home page
Online meetings: We can have a conversation and go through all the details via Zoom, Face Time, Google Meet, etc.
In-person: Or office is located in Southern Village in Chapel Hill.
Many times after our initial conversation via your preferred communication method, Chip will email you initial quotes with lots of information (details on costs and benefits) about the insurance plans you are interested in. That gives you a chance to have all the information in front of you, and think of questions you have. We can then talk through them via one of the options listed above.