Travel Medical Insurance (Overseas)

 Medical / Health Insurance for Overseas Travel

A majority of insurance companies’ health insurance and Medicare supplemental plans do not provide coverage when you are overseas (outside of the United States). Coverage in the policies that do are limited, both in what is covered, and the monetary maximums paid. You can choose travel medical insurance to cover any unforeseen medical expenses in any country(ies) you travel to.

A Story of How the Coverage Works


Travel Medical Insurance in Action…Dr. Mitchell’s Hiking Accident and How IM Global Saved the Day

While hiking during a vacation in Greece, Philip Mitchell, a retired ER physician, fell nearly 20 feet into a river gorge. He suffered a concussion, broken ribs, a collapsed lung, broken hip and pelvis, and additional serious injuries.

"My next firm memory is waking up in a hospital bed in great pain," said Philip.

Luckily, he had a Patriot Platinum travel medical insurance policy from IMG, whose medical management staff coordinated Philip's care, emergency medical transportation to a hospital in Athens for surgery, and arranged (and paid) for his son to visit him while in the hospital.

"It was, by far, the best insurance policy I ever bought. I would never travel outside the United States without that insurance."

Watch Philip's testimony video to hear his full story by clicking on his photo.

Three Real Life Examples of Travel Medical Insurance

A Young Professional Visits France for Summer Vacation

Our client in Raleigh, age 27, took her first two week vacation last summer, to a country she had always wanted to visit, France. She chose a $0 deductible (so all medical expenses are covered, no out of pocket expenses for her) and a $1,000,000 benefit maximum. The cost of the coverage for the two week trip is $23.83.

A Recently Retired Couple Visits Their Daughter and Family for a Month

A recently retired couple in Chapel Hill visited their eldest daughter (and her family) in Switzerland, where she now works. They divided their time between playing with grandchildren and exploring. A travel medical policy for the month, for both of them, cost $246.26 (a $250 deductible, and a $500k benefit maximum).

A Honeymoon in Central America, to See the Sights and Lay on the Beach

Pittsboro newlyweds, age 30 and 31, visited two countries in Central America, a combination of historical sights and the beach! The travel medical policy they chose ($100 deductible and $1 million benefit maximum) cost $33.00 for their ten day trip to Belize and Mexico.

Free Travel Medical Quote

Complete the form below and we will send you ideas of travel medical insurance to consider, with ideas of benefits and costs. If you find a plan that works you can apply immediately. Or call us with your questions.


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